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Best Practices and Business/CIS Resources

Did you know that on the  website there are Best Practices and Resources that have been compiled from various Business/CIS faculty within the state.  Many of these have been the result of participation in previous Business Industry Collaborative Grants that are sponsored by the Chancellor’s Office Business/CIS Advisory Committee. 

The Best Practices cover a wide variety of topics from specialized student projects to techniques of setting up a successful computer lab.  The practices are grouped by TOPs codes as well as general topic areas and are excellent resources for faculty. 

The Resources are Web-based resources that can be accessed for current industry trends as well as for instructional resources for educators and student use.  As with the Best Practices, these are also grouped by TOPs codes as well as general topic areas. 

If any faculty member has a Best Practice or Resource that they have found valuable and don’t mind sharing with the rest of the faculty statewide, send it to Darian Aistrich at for possible inclusion.
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F E A T U R E D   R E S O U R C E S

Best Practices in Community Colleges & Industry Partnerships
WOW Learning Interactive Paper #1

