This interactive white paper serves as a resource for new and replacement community college instructors in the business and computer science disciplines.
The Web links presented throughout this paper will expose you to the most pertinent and timely research and resources now emerging with respect to Teaching and Technology.
The hope is that these links will be immediately helpful to you in your quest to design, develop, and deliver engaging and innovative instruction to your classroom, division, and college.
Learning Activities have been included. You may choose to explore these yourself or have you students use them in the classroom.
Tools, Information & Training
TLT Teaching, Learning and Technology Group Website. The goal of the TLT Teaching, Learning and Technology Group is to help educational institutions improve teaching and learning by making more thoughtful use of information technology. TLT offers tools, information, training, and consulting that accelerate educational improvement while also helping to control the costs and ease the stresses of change. TLT works mainly with institutions of higher education but schools, corporate training programs, hospitals, governmental agencies and others have also make use of their resources
Learning Activity: Explore the TLT Teaching, Learning and Technology Group site and be sure to check out their Related Links at
Web Communities
Website Communities. The Illinois Online Network (ION) and the California Virtual Campus Professional Development Center are examples of Web Communities. These sites could have been used as models for the development of the TNT Website that supports the presentation of this Interactive White Paper. Community sites provide on-line resources, connect people and institutions to learning, harnessing information technology and multimedia, and remove barriers to learning.
The Illinois Online Network (ION) says it well in its Mission Statement:
``The primary mission of the Illinois Online Network is to promote the effective use of networked information technologies to enhance traditional classroom instruction, and to build the foundation for developing, delivering, and supporting courses delivered in a completely online format."
The Illinois Online Network (ION) is a collaboration of all forty-eight community colleges and the University of Illinois working together to advance utilization of Internet-based instruction and service throughout the state of Illinois. Check out and especially the resource section
The California Virtual Campus Professional Development Center site is a joint project of El Camino and Santa Monica Colleges and was created under the auspices of the Chancellor's Office for the California Community Colleges. The CVC catalog of distance-education programs and courses continues the work of its predecessor - the California Virtual University Website - in making information available about distance-learning opportunities at California institutions of higher education. The CVC Professional Development Center gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the University of California in establishing the CVC catalog
Learning Activity: The following Learning Activity came from this Tips & Trick area of the CVC site, ``Have student become one-page experts. You've heard of one-minute managers? Have your students become one-page experts. Suggest they pick a topic and have them create a page of information including appropriate links. You may structure a format that is suitable for your specific discipline."
On-line Technology Tutorials
Macromedia Products tutorials:
- Flash.
- DreamWeaver.
More Technology Tutorials can be found at
Learning Activity: Use (or your favorite search engine) to search for "technology tutorials" or ``teaching and Technology" or ``teaching with technology."
Check out the MERLOT consortium MERLOT helps faculty enhance instruction. MERLOT is also a community of people who strive to enrich teaching and learning experiences.
On-line Papers & Conferences
In your searches for information on the Web, don't over look past conferences that post the abstracts, final papers, and/or slide presentations from the speakers. For example
New Teacher and Student Roles in the Technology-Supported Classroom 21
by Ray McGhee and Robert Kozma, SRI International
The use of educational technology is part of a shift toward new instructional approaches within a context of school improvement or reform. This paper will examine how a range of technologies are supporting teacher and student practices and contributing to a transformation in their traditional roles. By focusing on teacher and student roles, this paper will synthesize findings about changing teachers' and students' roles and classroom practices from six case studies in technology-enhanced classrooms across the U.S. This paper will also provide descriptive details of individual cases as well as analyze how these different student and teacher roles align with one another.
Learning Activity: Read/review the complete paper from the abstract above. It can be found at and
Syllabus magazine is the only monthly publication that focuses on the role of technology in higher education. Published since 1988, Syllabus' mission is to inform educators on how technology can be used to support their teaching, learning and administrative activities. Each issue includes feature articles, case studies, product reviews and profiles of technology use at the individual, departmental and institutional level. Regular features cover multimedia, distance learning, the Internet, quantitative tools, publishing and administrative technology. A variety of platforms are covered, among them, computers, video, multimedia and telecommunications equipment. The Syllabus website supports and expands upon the publication's content covering the latest technology for higher education.
Learning Activity: Use Syllabus magazine to find an example program or conferences that cover the uses of technology in education.
On-line magazines are great source of information and many of them are free.
Learning Activity: Subscribe to:
E-Learning Magazine.
On-Line Learning Magazine.
And check out a new online journal at
Survey of Technology – Ask Your Friends
In a informal survey conducted by TNT Website Advisory Committee to attendees and speakers of the Asilomar Conference on Instructional Excellence (November 7-9, 2001):
This survey was for Faculty and Deans who offer Information Technology (IT) courses or programs.
1. What are your current IT offerings?
2. What are your best IT resources?
3. What are your obstacles?
4. What are your suggest solutions for those obstacles?
Learning Activity: Conduct a survey. Find out what obstacles others face and the solutions they have employed. Your peers, colleagues, associates, academia and industry specialists are you best resources!
Places To Go
Business Education & CIS Grants Portal.
TNT Website.
BESAC Website.